Thursday 31 October 2013

Cultural Encounters

Observations and Survey
The gathering room has a lot of paintings. There are a lot of flower paintings and the other one has birds on it and trees and the painting that I like the most is the painting that describes how happy the children are while playing on the seashore.
The only music I heard so far was the relaxation melody for the yoga class and the notes from the piano because one of the seniors plays it all the time after our activity.  From the small question survey that I did, people do not listen to a radio that much. On the other hand, they do listen to recorded jazz, classic song and some volunteers listen to pop music on the Virgin Radio Station.
The first time I went inside the meeting room, I noticed right away the flyers/pamphlets, magazine and shelves of books. Most of them have these flyers/pamphlets and magazine because according to them, they are informative and useful to read. Some of them also love to read newspapers and be updated about the news.

The Different Holidays in Canada
Not all of them celebrate holidays and some of them don’t even know what the holidays are in Canada. However, for the Thanksgiving, others do celebrate it with having a dinner with their family.
I went around and asked about how they celebrate Christmas. From my mini conversation with seniors, I found out that others celebrate it, even if they are not Catholic. One of the senior I talked with is Orthodox, according to her they celebrate Christmas on every January 6 of the year and for the Catholic one, they attend midnight mass and celebrate this occasion from midnight to the next day which is 25th of the month of December by gathering together and having a lot of food on the table.

The Other Culture
As someone who is surrounded of different culture, I noticed that Chinese people bow to indicate their apology.

Types of English I have been exposed to
I rarely hear any slang, expressions or informal language but sometimes I do hear the word “damn”, “my bad”, “what the hell is this?”.
I never have the chance to write but I read small information about how to do the papier-mâché because we were given the task to use glue in doing it. Additionally, my internship is more about to socialize with different people.
Unfortunately, I did not have any chance to use my 5 idioms from our class notes but I am hoping that I will have the chance in my other next meetings and be able to express myself using the 5 idioms.

Rewards and Challenges
I think the most difficult aspect of the internship for me is to interact into a conversation because some of their topics are new to me, to point out, their subject about a song or a place that I never heard. Together with the ideas for activities that everyone will enjoy. Despite my difficulty about this, I still managed to come out with some ideas and one of those ideas was because Arina also suggested it to our host internship which gave me more courage to do it. The first one is the origami lucky paper star on November and the pampering session on December.
For me, the best part about our internship is having a chance to socialize and share some activities that the seniors will enjoy and see them cooperating and enjoying productive activities.